Kia ora

This booklet has been created by our PTA especially for you, as a whanau in our kura/school community. We realise it can be a little nerve-wracking starting at a new kura/school (we’ve all been there!) and there always seem to be so many questions to ask. This booklet aims to provide you with information about our Parent Teacher Association which forms a major part of kura/school life.

If you have any questions that remain unanswered, or you would like to get involved, please contact one of the committee members through our email (clarkvillepta@gmail.com) or ask at the kura office.

We are very fortunate at our kura to have a PTA that is and has been such an integral part of the kura community for many years. In its time the PTA has raised many thousands of dollars, which have been spent on improving equipment and resources to enhance the education of our tamariki and the facilities in kura in general. But our PTA is about much much more than just fundraising. The PTA exists to provide closer links between home, kura and community, and it is an excellent way to bring staff, whānau and friends together socially in support of the kura. It is fun too – as we are sure you will find out if you join us at one of the varied events throughout the kura year.

Like most PTAs, the majority of our funds are raised through the events that we run. Past regular events have been movie nights, white elephant, raffles and a school disco. We also organise regular lunches the children can purchase such as sushi, Subway, sausage sizzle and fish and chips. Throughout the year we fundraise by selling pies, artwork calendars, Entertainment Books and other goods. Second hand kura uniforms are also for sale throughout the year. There is always something going on!

Koha/donations from parents – of time, money, items for sale, raffle prizes, or services and skills – are what determine the success of our fundraising activities. Even small koha makes a big difference to us. We’re always on the lookout for other good fundraising ideas too, so be sure to let us know if you have any suggestions - just send us an email, post on Facebook or come along to a meeting.

Our PTA committee is made up of parents and teachers. We currently have elected parents holding committee positions. Members of the PTA give their time voluntarily for the benefit of all tamariki in the kura. All whānau of the kura community can get involved, even if they only have a small amount of time available, and all whānau are automatically members of the association when their children join our kura.

The PTA meet on a regular basis, usually once every two months during term time, with smaller working groups meeting as necessary to organise the larger, more time-consuming events. All whānau are welcome at PTA meetings, and we are particularly keen to meet new whānau. Meeting dates are advertised in the kura newsletter and on our facebook page. They usually take place at a local Kaiapoi pub on a Tuesday evening. Our Annual General Meeting is held in November at the end of the year and this is an opportunity to come along and hear in more detail about events run, funds raised and how the money has been spent. We also elect our new committee at this meeting.

The PTA usually write a blurb about our events and activities in the fortnightly kura newsletter. We also strongly advocate the use of the facebook page to check on notices and reminders. We welcome emails from whānau – our email address is: clarkvillepta@gmail.com

We have, over time, developed strong links with the local community and are always well supported by both residents and businesses. Many of our local businesses are very generous in their donations of raffle prizes. We are extremely grateful to these community members as they make a huge difference to our fundraising efforts. If you think your workplace could offer us time, services or raffle items, please do let us know. 

New whānau are welcomed into the Clarkville School community and supported throughout the year through a Buddy Family Programme, which is coordinated by the PTA. This is where new and existing whānau are paired up so the new whānau has someone they can go to when they have questions about Clarkville School. The existing whānau is asked to keep in touch with new  whānau and check in with them to make sure their transition to Clarkville School is as easy as possible. New whānau are given the option to be part of this programme, if you are interested please speak to our tumuaki Kris or a member of the PTA.

There are lots of ways you can help and support your tamariki, through the PTA.

Offering to help before events or at other times during the year is so valuable - it doesn’t matter if you can’t help on a regular basis, or even if you can’t come into kura. There are always little jobs that can be done from home if you have half an hour to spare. We really couldn’t achieve what we do without the unseen ‘army of help’ that exists in kura. If you feel able, you can also volunteer to be a Committee Member. Or you can simply come along to the meetings to find out what is happening and get involved in these things. This is also the time to give us your ideas and ask questions or voice your opinion.

Throughout the year kura lunches are provided - sushi every Wednesday, sausage sizzles monthly during term time, Subway and fish & chips once a term. 

In 2025 we are running movie nights, a raffle and a school disco. 

All of these events, kura lunches and our other fundraising efforts make the PTA a busy group. Many hands make light work and all offers of help are gratefully received. We are always looking for enthusiastic whānau who want to join our group! Please get in touch if you are keen to be involved.

We also have a group called “Friends of the PTA”, which is for whānau that would like to get involved but do not have the time to commit to becoming a member of the PTA. When we have fundraising events coming up we will email the “Friends of the PTA” for assistance. There is no obligation to assist and you can decide at the time whether you can offer help. If you would like to become part of the “Friends of the PTA” group please email clarkvillepta@gmail.com.  

Decisions on what items are to be purchased from PTA funds are made during PTA meetings. Requests can come from the Board of Trustees (BOT), whānau, kaiako/teachers or tamariki. Normally all of the items the PTA approve for purchase are the little extras that are not covered by kura budgets. Occasionally they are large scale projects such as the new playground and landscaping, or maintenance to the school pool. The PTA does have ongoing commitments every year such as a grant towards the kura operations budget. We work closely with the Board of Trustees on which projects receive our funds. We always endeavour to spend our funds in ways that will benefit all of our tamariki across all areas of the kura and curriculum.

Elected Members are:

Co-Chairperson:  Angela Boereboom 

Co-Chairperson: Zoe Price

Deputy Chairperson: Helen Barrett
Secretary:  Helen Barrett
Treasurer: Cherie-Lynn Lewis

Other members consist of whānau from across the kura. We also have “Friends of the PTA”, who while not on the committee, are happy to help out on specific projects.

Second-hand kura uniforms can be purchased for only $2 per item. To find out what we have in stock please contact Jenna Martin (021 104 2819).  

Thank you for taking the time to read our brochure. We hope you now know a little more about your PTA. On behalf of all the tamariki we would like to thank you for your invaluable support which enriches their learning experiences and makes their time in kura so enjoyable. Every year we need new whānau to join the PTA so if you’d like to get involved in any way please contact us:

Email:  clarkvillepta@gmail.com   facebook:  www.facebook.com/clarkvillepta 

Angela Boereboom &  Zoe Price

Kia ora and best wishes. We look forward to meeting you at our events.