Learning Teams
At Clarkville Te Kura ki Waimātao, we have established a collaborative practice where our teaching teams work closely together to care for the wellbeing and learning of each child. Every team supports its students to live our values and nurtures learners who possess agency. Their mission statements reflect the developmental needs of students and their team approach to nurturing the tamariki in their care.
Years 1 and 2 – Kaikanui
In Kaikanui, we believe the world is a rapidly changing place and that we have a responsibility to be active participants as global citizens.
To become these citizens, we need to be:
Resilient – able to fail well and have a go
Self-regulating – goal setters and reflectors, mindful of wellbeing
Problem solvers
Team members and leaders
Years 3 and 4 – Horotueka
In Horotueka we aim to develop a culture that supports positive relationships and kindness, so all students can feel a sense of belonging.
This culture of belonging will celebrate students’ uniqueness, inspire their curiosity, increase their self-belief and allow all students to experience success.
Years 5 and 6 – Kaiapoi
In Kaiapoi, we are future-focused. We believe in developing agency, being creators and reflecting on our learning.
Years 7 and 8 – Wairaki
In Wairaki we are visionaries, creators and dreamers. Independently and in collaboration with others, we have the opportunity to make a difference in our world.
Through the leadership opportunities that are provided, we have a responsibility to care deeply and respect ourselves and others, our learning, our planet and humanity.